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Fiction Fiction: Language Arts and the Practice of Spatial Storytelling
Edition Angewandte
Figures in Air
Inventory Press
Tara Books
Five Stories for Philip Guston
Printed Matter, Inc.
Flora: Language Arts in the Age of Information
Birkhauser Verlag
Fluctuating Alliances: Art, politics and diplomacy in the Modern
Forbidden to Forbid: Counterculture in Italy 1968-1977
Edizioni Corraini
Force of Listening, the
Errant Bodies Press
Forms for a Public Address
Formwerdung und Formentzug
Franz West: Notes
Walther Konig, Koln
Frederick Kiesler: Face to Face with the Avant-Garde
From the Other Side: the Monstrous Feminine
Future Souths: Dialogues on Art, Place, and History
G-Word, The
Dokument Press
galang 01
Powerhouse Publishing and Garru Editions
galang 01 & 02 [slipcase]
galang 02
Galileo's Thinking Hand
Gary Hill & Martin Cothren: You Know Where I'm At and I Know Where You're At
Dis Voir
Genealogies of Art, or the History of Art as Visual Art
Fundación Juan March
Genji: The Prince and the Parodies
MFA Publications, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Gezeichnete Evidentia: Drawing on Coloured Paper in the South and North, 1500–1700
Giulio Paolini : Vedo e non vedo (Seeing and not seeing)
Giulio Paolini. Delfo IV, 1997