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Paulina Olowska
Peter Halley: The Complete 1980s Paintings
Picture Industry
Playground Project, the NEW EDITION
Private Museum of the Future, The
Producing Futures: a Book on Post-Cyber-Feminisms
Raffael Waldner: Salon
Rasheed Araeen: A Retrospective
Richard Hamilton & Sigfried Giedion: Reaper
Rirkrit Tiravanija: A Retrospective
Rodney Graham: That's Not Me
Sam Falls
Scott King: Anxiety and Depression
Sean Landers: 1990-1995 An Improbable History
Sheila Hicks: A Matter of Scale
Sheila Hicks: Apprentissages
Sigismond de Vajay: Unreachable Empires
Somewhere Totally Else (announced as Weekly Advice)
Spacescapes Dance & Drawing
Sylvain Croci-Torti
Syz Collection, the
Teresa Burga
Thomas Hirschhorn: Maps
Ugo Rondinone: Kiss Now Kill Later
Ugo Rondinone: New Horizon