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Pitti People: Portraits of the Italian Dandy ENGLISH-JAPANESE BILINGUAL
Shop and Creator (Japanese only)
Shop Identity: 2 Small Pamphlets (in Japanese 95% visual)
Shuji Terayama Mysterious Finder-Photographer (Japanese only, mostly visual)
Small and Eye-Catching Graphics HC
Small and Eye-Catching Graphics PBK ED (Bilingual English Japanese)
Soviet Style (Japanese only, mostly visual)
Supergraphics (Japanese only, mostly visual)
Textile Design of India
Type Dingbat
Type Fontbat
Typographics Play and Work -- bilingual in English and Japanese
Wall Sticker Book (Japanese only, mostly visual)
Wardrobe Memories: Art and Fashion in Japan ENGLISH-JAPANESE BILINGUAL
We Love Artists
Woman Creator's Desk (Japanese only, mostly visual)
WOW Visual Design (Bilingual English Japanese)