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Power, Flows, and Transformation: Portraits of Berlin-Brandenburg Energy Spaces
Pragmatic and Poetic
Birkhauser Verlag
Praxis of Collective Building
Process of Making, the
Products of Reflexive Design
Project Bauhaus: Can Design Change Society?
Public Action: Social Design
Public Art in Lower Austria Vol 10
Springer Verlag
Public Art Now
Gingko Press
Public Spaces
Put People First!: Report from the International Bauforum 2019
Quantum City, A: Mastering the Generic
Quartier Ecoparc
Radbahn Berlin
Re-framing Identities: Architecture's Turn to History, 1970-1990
Re-humanizing Architecture: New Forms of Community, 1950-1970
Re-scaling the Environment: New Landscapes of Design, 1960-1980
RE-USA: 20 American Stories of Adaptive Reuse
Re: Action
Rebuilding in the Palatinate
Recoding the City
Reconstructing the Future
ReHab: Living, Inhabitants, Houses
Relational Theories of Urban Form
Remote Places, Public Spaces