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London: Beautiful Designs on the Street Corner (Japanese, some English)
Pie Books
Die Gestalten Verlag
Making Space: A new idea of student housing
Edizioni Corraini
Making Your Home Sustainable [non-book-trade customers]
Scribe Publications
Marcel Wanders
Marti Guixe: Interior and Exhibition
Massimiliano Locatelli Editions
Mousse Publishing
Masters of Nordic Design (Japanese Only)
Materiology 2nd edition SPECIAL PRICE
Birkhauser Verlag
Mediterranean Home, the
Michaela Schweeger: Space and Design
Mies van der Rohe: The Built Work
Millennial House, The
Gingko Press
Mindful Places to Stay: Sublime Destinations for Yoga and Meditation
Modernist Icons: Mid-Century Houses and Interiors (previously announced as The Modernist)
Monocle Guide to Better Living, The
Monocle Guide to Cosy Homes, The
Monocle Guide to Drinking and Dining, The
Monocle Guide to Hotels, Inns and Hideaways
Mosaic in the World
Museum Buildings: Construction and Design Manual
Nature of Swimming, the: Unique Bathing Locations and Swimming Experiences (announced as The Nature of Bathing)
New Laboratories
New Mediterranean, the
New Nomads, The: Temporary Spaces for a Life on the Move