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Little Presses and Small Magazines in Japan (Japanese only, mostly visual)
Pie Books
Local Packaging Now
Die Gestalten Verlag
Logo Design that Communicates Trust & Honesty (Japanese only, mostly visual)
Logo Design with Examples (Japanese only, mostly visual)
London: Beautiful Designs on the Street Corner (Japanese, some English)
Look Inside: Cutaway Illustrations and Visual Storytelling
Mel Ramos: Exceptional Editions
Verlag fur Moderne Kunst
Mel Ramos: Superman at the Supermarket
Kerber Verlag
Modern Patterns
Gingko Press
Modern Wedding, the (announced as Wedding Graphics)
Muse in the Wheels, The
Edizioni Corraini
New India Designscape
New Trend in Letterpress Printing, A (Japanese, part English)
Packaging Illustrations
Pencil Perfect, The
Piero Fornasetti: 100 Years of practical madness
Polato Design
Printing Things: Visions and Essentials for 3D Printing
Restaurants and Sweets Shop Designs (Japanese only, mostly visual)
Seeking Comfort in an Uncomfortable Chair (book)
Seeking Comfort in an Uncomfortable Chair (poster)
Shapes and Figures in Advertising Design (Japanese only, mostly visual)
Shin Sobue + cozfish (Japanese, some English)
Show a Product Attractively in Graphic Design (Japanese, part English)