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100 Notable Designers and Architects: Designing a Cozy Home (Japanese only, mostly visual)
Pie Books
128 Colors
Birkhauser Verlag
225 Colors (second and revised edition)
Aalto in Detail: A Catalogue of Components
Accidentism: Josef Frank NEW EDITION
Advanced Timber Structures (announced as Complex Wood Structures)
album. Tind. A prefab house design by Claesson Koivisto Rune
Edizioni Corraini
Alison & Peter Smithson: Hexenhaus
Walther König, Köln
Alvar Aalto: The Complete Work
Architected Structures
Architectural Photography and Its Uses
Architecture Activism
Architecture for Housing
Architecture Transformed: The Digital Image in Architecture 1980–2020
Architecture – Drawn: From the Middle Ages to the Present
Architecture. Research. Office.
DelMonico Books
Are You a Model? On an Architectural Medium of Spatial Exploration
Arigato: Tokyo Designers Week
Die Gestalten Verlag
Art Deco London Map
Blue Crow Media
Art Deco New York Map
Art of Vaulting, the
Atmosphere: The Shape of Things to Come
Basics Freehand Drawing
Basics: Architectural Design
Basics: Barrier-free Planning (third edition)